• “Welcome to Guatemala, Death Squads, God Queers and Rubber Cement,” Your Flesh Quarterly, vol 28, Minneapolis MN, 1993.
  • “Koversada, Yugoslavia” (article on the world’s largest nudist camp), Exquisite Corpsea Journal of Art & Life, Baton Rouge, LA, fall, 1989. Also included in Thus Spake the Corpse, An Exquisite Corpse Reader 1988-1998, edited by Andrei Codrescu and Laura Rosenthal, (Black Sparrow Press, Santa Rosa) 2000.
  • “John Pilcrow: Lounge Act Poet Blown Away,” Exquisite Corpse, A Journal of Letters and Life, Issue #14, 2004.
  • “Intellectual Seekers in the Notorious Tenderloin, San Francisco,” Nth Position, February 2007.
  • “Civil War in Guatemala,” Whistling Shade, Summer, 2007.
  • “Rip Off the Ears: Searching for Demosthenes’ Secret in Mexico,” Nth Position, January, 2008.
  • “The Day I Stared Down President Lyndon Johnson,” Whistling Shade, Winter, 2008.
  • “Necessity in the House of Illusion,” Whistling Shade, Spring / Summer 2011.
  • “Encountering Walt Whitman’s Illegitimate Great Grandson,” Whistling Shade, http://www.whistlingshade.com/1501/Encountering_Walt_Whitman.htm, Spring/Summer, 2015.
  • “Stage Hypnotism and the Annihilation of Rational Thought,” Guide to Kulchur Creative Journal, Issue 8, 2016. Available in print only. guidetokulchur.com/gtk-creative-journal, Issue 8.
  • “New Details on the Heist of Giacometti’s Seated Woman,” Whistling Shade, (Fall/Winter, 2016, Illustrated.
  • “Magnetic Reality: Setting the Stage of Mass Murder in School,” Vector Magazine, 2017. Included is the author’s encounter with Jeff Weise at Red Lake Indian Reservation High School. Eighteen months later Weise murdered nine people at the same school.
  • “The Forgotten One,” Ilanot Review (published in Israel), and nominated for the Best on the Net Award for 2017.
  • “The Real Live Scandinavian Folk Dancer: Teddy Qualls, Lost Freak From the Heart of Darkness,” Whistling Shade, Fall-Winter 2017.